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The Chesapeake Area Biological Safety Association (ChABSA) is dedicated to recognizing excellence and lifelong contributions in the field of biosafety. Each year, we honor outstanding individuals through two prestigious awards: the Biosafety Professional of the Year Award and the Lifetime Achievement Award. Both awards are presented during the Annual Scientific Symposium, highlighting the accomplishments of professionals who have made a significant impact in advancing biosafety practices and inspiring their peers.
We encourage you to participate by nominating a colleague—or even yourself—who exemplifies leadership, service, and accomplishment in biosafety. Nominations for both awards are due by March 15, 2025.
Recognize and celebrate the exceptional biosafety professionals shaping the future of our field!
The Chesapeake Biological Safety Association (ChABSA) is proud to offer the association’s “Biosafety Professional of the Year Award”. The award will be presented at the Annual Scientific Symposium and the recipient will be recognized with 1 year of association dues and complimentary technical seminars for the following season.
You are encouraged to nominate an individual you feel is worthy (you can self-nominate also) of this recognition. Nominations are due March 15, 2025.
The judging criteria is as follows:
This is a great way to recognize your fellow biosafety professional! Please take a moment consider who among your colleagues has served, inspired and accomplished within the field of biosafety!
A nominee is eligible for this award based on their achievements and activities over the full duration of their career. This qualification criteria differs from the Biosafety Professional of the Year Award which covers only the past three years.
A nominee does not need to have worked directly as a biosafety professional, but must demonstrate a long-standing commitment to biosafety that has resulted in significant advancement in the field.
The judging criteria is as follows: